Saturday, 15 June 2013

Does Lemon Juice Help Acne?

Acne is among the skin conditions that are very hard to deal with. Fortunately, there are a number of treatments available today. Many acne sufferers are looking for alternative methods to control and prevent blemishes. And one of the most sought-after is lemon juice.

What’s in Lemon Juice?
Many people love and enjoy the taste of lemon juice. It’s naturally sour and tangy flavor can really take away one’s thirst during those hot summer days. But other than keeping you refreshed, lemons are great sources of essential vitamins and nutrients that can help promote a lovely-looking skin.First of all, lemons are fully loaded with vitamin C – the mother of all vitamins. It is considered as a powerful antioxidant which also plays a vital role in repairing cell damage. It is also responsible for the buildup of collagen, which your skin needs to remain healthy and young-looking. Vitamin C brings a lot of health benefits, including treating acne. Lemon juice is also considered as a natural cleanser. It helps detoxifies the body from the innermost part up towards the skin. It also works as skin bleach – washing away impurities including bacteria, dirt, germs and other harmful compounds.With all the mentioned characteristics of lemon juice, there’s no doubt that it can really be an effective treatment for acne.

How to use Lemon Juice for Acne
It is believed that drinking a glass of lemon juice per day, preferably in the morning or during breakfast can help promote a healthy skin. For optimum results, drink 2-3 glasses of lemon juice a day. Other than drinking lemon juice, it can also be applied externally on the affected area. Lemon juice is a natural antiseptic and astringent. It is also known to help tighten the pores. When preparing your lemon drink, don’t throw away the pulp yet. You can spread it on your face, leave it for 20 minutes, and wash with cold water. Aside from reducing the size of acne and cleansing the pores, lemon juice can also help reduce blackheads and excess oil. You can also slice a medium-sized lemon in half and rub the inside on the affected areas. Before bed time, you can rub your face with cotton soaked in lemon juice, leave it that way until the next morning and wash it with cold water.

When using lemon juice for acne, you should not try applying other medications may it be facial creams or topical gels. Combining organic and artificial solutions is never advisable. Doing so may lead to a chemical reaction which can cause damage to your skin. Sticking to one treatment plan at a time is therefore necessary. Lemon juice as an acne treatment may or may not come with side effects. You see, it’s always a case to case basis. Some say that it makes their skin super dry while others report experiencing a burning sensation. But all these side effects are temporary. There have been no long-term consequences that were linkedto lemon juice as an acne solution.As to the result, it also varies among individuals. Some may see the difference within a few days while others may not notice it until after several weeks or months.

So does lemon juice help acne? The answer is a big YES. Another thing – a bag of fresh lemons is relatively cheap. And it’s much cheaper if you’re going to compare it with other salon treatments. So there’s no reason for you not to try it. Who knows? It could be the acne solution you’ve been looking for!
If you are looking for the best online solutions for your acne problem, I would recommend 'Acne No More'. Read the testimonials.

You can DOWNLOAD it here!
