Thursday 18 April 2013

Can Exercise Help Acne?

"Can exercise help acne?" This is still a subject of massive debates in the scientific community. Some people suggest that exercising may cause acne.  They believe that exercising may cause excessive sweating which can trigger the onset of pimples or acne.  They believe that the sweat may cause the pores on the skin to clog, which can result in inflammation. Since the issue has not been settled yet, let’s try to review the proven health benefits of physical exercises on the skin. First and foremost, exercising has a huge impact on the quality of your skin. Various studies have shown that people who exercise regularly are more likely to develop healthier skin than those who don’t. Why? The reason lies behind the process called detoxification. This process refers to the flushing away of toxins and other wastes from the body. All the free radicals and other harmful compounds that enter the body are being stored in the form of fats. To reduce the amount of waste, you need to detoxify. And what could be a better and safer way to do this than to burn your body fats through exercising?

In a previous post, we talked about what acne is and what causes acne.  Basically acne often result from infection. Many people think that cleansing their skin using topical creams and solutions is the best way to get rid of acne. But that’s not really true. Bacteria from the inside trigger the proliferation of acne and not the dirt from the outside. Therefore, if you want to treat acne faster, incorporating exercise in your regular acne regimen can be highly beneficial.

How Does Exercise Help Acne?

Aside from detoxifying, exercising also improves blood circulation which brings sufficient amount of oxygen to all parts of our body. Regular exercising also regulates hormones. One of the causes of acne is hormonal imbalance. When there is hormonal imbalance, there’s a high possibility that the sebaceous gland produce too much sebum which promotes acne breakout. Aside from preventing the overproduction of sebum, physical activities boost the release of endorphins – the ‘feel good’ chemicals that promote mood and reduce stress. While there is not enough proof to the claim that stress triggers acne, experts agree that stress and acne are linked together. Furthermore, exercising helps strengthen your immune system.   

Some things to consider

Here are some things to keep in mind during/after your workout.  First, don’t wear makeup during your workout. When you sweat, makeup (especially oil-based makeup products) can clog your pores and aggravate your condition. If you’re exercising outdoors, be sure to apply sunscreen to avoid sun exposure. You see, too much UV rays isn’t good for acne. Clothing is another important thing to consider when exercising. Wear loose-fitting garment made from cotton. Don’t wear silk, nylon, or synthetic clothes as they can trap the sweat and germs in your skin. After your workout, take some rest and get a shower or wipe your face with a clean towel. Most of all, you should understand that exercising alone will not treat acne. Therefore, it’s not advisable to give up the acne treatment you’re using at the moment and completely resort to physical exercise.

If you are looking for the best online solutions for your acne problem, I would recommend 'Acne No More'. Read the testimonials. 
You can DOWNLOAD it here!


1 comment:

  1. The above article is informational for those who are dealing with acne and related skin problems. The guidelines discussed above will be beneficial to reduce your skin problems.

    Stop Acne
