Wednesday 24 April 2013

Does Fish Oil Help Acne?

You might think you already have too much of oil on your face, which probably causing you acne. So why feed yourself with some more?

So how does fish oil help acne?
Several studies have shown that some oils are good in preventing and treating acne and other kinds of skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and rashes. One of them is fish oil. As the term suggests, this special kind of oil is derived from fish and other sea foods. Because of the modern technology, you no longer have to bear the foul taste of fish oil to get its benefits as it now comes available in gel capsules. You might wonder – what does fish oil contains that makes it a good acne treatment? Well, its therapeutic effects lie behind omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are also known to have strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which are necessary in the treatment of acne. Another benefit of omega-3 fatty acids is its ability to regulate hormones that activate acne breakout.

Another thing, omega-fatty acids are known as natural mood enhancers. If you’ve been reading a lot about acne, you must have come across the term ‘stress’ as one of its major causes. Fish oil helps elevate mood, thus, reducing stress.

Aside from being one of the most popular homeopathic approaches in treating acne and other skin diseases, fish oil has many other benefits not only to your skin but to your overall health as well. This essential oil has been proven to strengthen the heart and reduce the risk of cardiovascular, improve brain function and help eliminate cancer cells.

How Do You Use Fish Oil?
The best thing about this oil is that it has no side effects. However, you need to apply it right to obtain positive results. In most cases, you have to take fish oil continuously within 3 months. If you notice nothing has changed, you can go ahead and look for other treatments. You also want lots of omega-3 fatty acids to speed up the healing process of your acne. The recommended dose of fish oil is one capsule which weighs 1,000mg. Since the health benefits of fish oil have become popular, many drug manufacturers started producing fish oil supplements. You’ll see hundreds of names listed on the web. These products are also available in grocery stores. So be careful in buying fish oil. Choose the one which is DFA-approved.

When taking it, be observant of any allergy symptoms such as redness or more acne breakouts. If there’s none, increase the dose into two capsules a day after a week. You can have one taken in the morning and another at night for optimum results. You can also continue using your regular facial treatments like topical creams and cleansers. Lastly, don’t overdose yourself with fish oil. Even if it’s natural, you still have to control the amount of fatty acids in your body.Aside from supplements, you can get fish oil from many sources such as mackerel, salmon, tuna, oysters, achieves, and a whole lot more. Adding them in your daily diet will certainly help.

If you are looking for the best online solutions for your acne problem, I would recommend 'Acne No More'. Read the testimonials.

You can
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