Saturday 11 May 2013

Does Honey Help Acne?

Knowing the Truth and Busting off the Myth

If you’re relying on the internet to find out whether acne helps treat acne, you’re most likely to be bombarded with a plethora of information. This article aims to satisfy you’re curiosity over honey and its effect on acne. It’s time that you sort truthful info from the hype.

Does hone help acne?
Millions of acne sufferers who are not contented with what they’re getting from artificial products and medication often resort to natural treatments such as herbs, fruit extracts, etc. Honey, another natural product is also considered as an acne solution. Well, let’s go straight to the fact – honey works for some, not for everyone. There’s no guarantee that it’ll work for you, just like all other treatments, natural or unnatural. It’s also worth knowing that many studies have been carried out by experts all over the world to determine the effects of honey on the skin. And to date, there’s no concrete evidence that it does help treat acne. Nevertheless, some interesting studies revealed that it has positive effects on skin. Honey has over 600 components and some of them were found to aid in treating acne.

Facts about Honey as Skin Treatment
There are a lot of myths and hypes associated with honey as a skin treatment. But this does not mean that it does not benefit the skin in any way. It is a popular belief that honey is a powerful natural antibacterial drug. And research proved it really is. We all know that bacteria are the usual cause of acne.  And because of its ability to kill germs and bacteria, we don’t need a rocket scientist to explain to us why honey becomes a good remedy for acne. It also has anti-inflammatory properties which is helpful in acne reduction. Thousands of years ago, before people started using artificial treatments like antibiotics; our ancestors relied on natural solutions such as honey in treating wounds, burns and other skin problems. Because of this, many manufacturers of dietary supplements are incorporating honey in their products. Today, we see a lot of honey-based skin solutions sold in pharmacies.

Before you use Honey, Read This
Before you rush to the supermarket or rummage your kitchen cabinets for the jar of honey and smear it on your face, you should read the following warnings and suggestions to ensure safety when using this natural acne solution:

·         Use pure honey: Not all honey products sold in the market are effective in treating acne and other skin problems. The processing (heating and adding of water) can greatly reduce its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. It’s ideal to use raw honey but it can be hard to find.
·        Run an allergy test: Spread a little bit of honey on a small portion on your face or on your arms and observe if you would feel any allergy symptom. Many people are allergic to honey so it’s a must that you do some tests before you use it as part of your regular skin regimen.
·        Apply it properly: Use your hands when applying honey. Apply some on your face and rub it gently. Wait for at least 15 minutes before you rinse it off. Don’t try heating honey in the microwave or on the stove as heating can reduce its natural properties.

If you don’t feel like applying raw honey, you can try using creams, soaps and skin products that contain this natural ingredient. They can be bought over the internet or from the local stores. But make sure you do a research first to identify which product will give you the best results.

Looking for the best acne solution online?
Check out ‘Acne No More’  By Mike Walden.  CLICK HERE!


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